The United States projects that in the next 6 years, we will require as many as 1,001,000 nurses by 2016. Nursing, both RN and LPN/LVN is one of the most demanding and in-demand profession in the United States, if not the world today. With so many nursing job vacancies, it does seem to beg the question, what is the best place to work, where can you make the most money and what states are traditionally paying the least and asking for the most.
To get started, the top ten areas in need of nursing, who offer job vacancies and the salaries they are willing to pay to hire an Rn, or an LVN/LPN for their nursing job vacancies.These are the areas in which you will find the most nursing job vacancies during the course of any single year.
The top ten states with the most job openings in any given year are these,(along with the number of nurse job vacancies they report on a yearly basis):
California 10,900
Florida 7,440
New York 6,360
Ohio 4,630
North Carolina 4,093
Illinois 4,020
New Jersey 3,700
Michigan 3,500
Georgia 3,340
Massachusetts 3,290
While these states are those who have the most number of nursing job vacancies for which you may apply,they are not necessarily the states who will pay the most for your work.Those states which pay the most for nurses to work within their boundaries are these.(dollar amounts are hourly wage offered)
1. California $25.45
2. Hawaii $24.76
3. Massachusetts$23.38
4. New Jersey $23.33
5. Alaska $23.09
6. Delaware $22.98
7. Oregon $22.91
8. Nevada $22.83
9. Maryland $22.79
10. Connecticut $22.62
Coincidentally, only two of those who need nurses the most, are willing to pay the most for the care that they require. Nurse job vacancies in these states remain open in many cases because the rate of compensation is not enough to offset the higher cost of living, although this is not always the case.
Typically the pay scale of an LPN-LVN is about 2-3 dollars per hour less than that of an RN Associate degree nurse, although that will of course differentiate dependent upon the area in which you live and practice. In many cases, LVN-LPN are making approximately 21-23 dollars per hour in the higher paying states, while some nurses report that the wages they are reported to be making in the lower paying states have been overstated, with some of the lower paying states paying the LVN and LPN about 16-18 dollars per hour.
The nursing job vacancies seem to be the most prolific in the mid-western states, which offer a mid-range compensation for their nurses, while the states on the Pacific coast appear to pay better than those which are on the east coast, but the cost of living is somewhat higher and when factored into the equation would probably make up for the difference in pay.
Nursing job vacancies are far more easily found than nearly any other type of employment. Nationwide, about 50,000 or more nurses are hired each year. The nursing job vacancies are available in every state in the United States, and there are nursing work vacancies in physicians offices, hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent or skilled nursing facilities as well as assisted living facilities.
There is, very literally, not a single state or area, not a single facility in the United States that wil not advertise a nursing job vacancy of one type or another by the end of the week. If you're considering a career in healthcare, and are concerned with finding work after graduation, you can certainly relax and know that when you are ready to work, nursing job vacancies are going to be waiting for you.