Step One: First, you will need to decide which school you would like to attend. There are a variety of LPN programs out there at a variety of colleges, trade schools and universities. All you have to do is conduct research on the institutions to ensure they have all the courses you desire and are accredited nationally or by your state. Some end up studying for two years at a community college. To earn more money in the nursing field, you can study longer in a more intense program. This could prepare you for becoming a registered nurse.
Step Two: Consider volunteering your services to a hospital. This will help to expose you to the profession of helping patients and it will show school admissions that you are serious about your desire to become an LPN.
Step Three: If you're still in high school or are a candidate for a GED, consider taking classes in biology, chemistry and microbiology. Having the right academic background will help you to get admitted.
Step Four: Now, is the time to get all of your paperwork prepared. When you're applying for an LPN program, you will need to complete a lot of forms. You will need to have access to financial records for financial forms, transcripts and you may even have to write an admissions essay.
Step Five: Once you have completed all of the forms, you can submit them via mail or electronically, depending on the school. You can use express mail to ensure that the nursing program will receive your application.