There are a variety of tech schools, community colleges, hospitals and online programs that offer training in this field. It takes less than two years to complete this nursing education.
Many colleges that offer bachelor's degrees offer nursing programs that can help individuals obtain a bachelor of science in nursing, also known as a BSN. This must be obtained in order to become a registered nurse. Some schools have their programs geared more towards other practices, instead of programs for LPN courses. But you will be able to find some that do offer the classes you're looking for.
There are some hospitals that offer licensed practical nurse training. These aren't as prevalent as community colleges and tech schools. In some cases, if you choose to train at a hospital, you may be required to work for the hospital for a number of months or years after graduating.
There are a variety of online LPN courses to choose from. These are perfect for those who have busy schedules that have to be worked around. Just make sure that the program that you are studying is offered by an accredited school.
Many classes for this field are between one and two years. There are some that may be shorter. There aren't any non-nursing general education classes to take, everything is completely focused on nursing.
Make sure that when you are picking out a course to take that it offers you the coursework and clinical experience that you need to work in the field.