Within these facilities a nurse practitioner is qualified to do the duties of a registered nurse or RN. Facilities that are quite busy would definitely need individuals with an NP certificate.
Step One: Now, that you have an RN certificate, you should make sure to place the fact within your resume.
Step Two: Next, you will need to create within your resume an objective that you have that shows that you are the right pick for their facility. You should talk about your advanced nurse practitioner certificate and your desire to work for them as a staff nurse, within a specialty area or as a manager of a unit. Whatever you have experience doing.
Step Three: Now, that your resume is ready, you can start contacting nurse staffing firms to find a position. There are a lot of them all around the country, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding one. You can look on websites like progressivenursing.com and nursingworld.org.
Step Four: On the websites, you can create a career profile that shows your preference to work as a registered nurse. You can request info about clinics, hospitals and private practices that are in your area.
Step Five: You should apply for positions that are looking for RN credentials and that are looking to hire for people to perform staff nurse duties that offer shift differentials and bonus pay. If you want to continue working as an NP, you can do so by looking for per diem positions that enable you to work within a private practice, while working a short-term contract as a registered nurse.