Step One: The first thing you need to do is ensure that you want to study in this field. You can start off by getting a certificate in nursing to see if you like it, then pursue a LPN degree. Obtaining a certificate can be very beneficial and can be acquired in less than a year. This will also make it easier to get into a higher position in the field.
Step Two: Begin looking around for schools that are accredited and that offer the nursing program that you are looking for. There a variety of schools that offer LPN degree classes that are a bit competitive to get into. Some of the courses you will have to study for include biology, chemistry and anatomy.
Step Three: Now, you have to complete all of the undergraduate requirements. You will have to take different courses before you are able to your degree, such as biochemistry, statistics and pathophysiology.
Step Four: Next, you will have to pass the clinical requirements for your undergraduate courses. You will also have to get on-the-job training.
Step Five: Last, you will have to take the state exam to obtain your license to practice. You will have to take the NCLEX exam. It will test the knowledge you have obtained during your schooling.