It can be a stressful environment that requires you to make quick and important decisions throughout the day. Since this is a very demanding profession, many of the nursing programs you may come across will be quite challenging to complete. Upon completing your course and obtaining your certificate, you will have earned a career with lots of rewards.
More Employment Opportunities
Choosing to continue your education after high school can be rewarding financially and intellectually. According to the U.S. Department of Labor demonstrated that those who have a bachelor's degree are subject to higher employment rates and higher potential of earnings than a person that doesn't have a college degree. The healthcare field is always growing, especially since it will always be needed. There will always be a need for medical attention. To increase your chances of becoming employed, you should consider getting a degree in nursing or social work. During the fall of 2007, the Occupational Outlook Quarterly had studies that showed that registered nursing was the fastest growing field in healthcare.
Complementary Degrees
About 54 percent of social workers are employed at healthcare facilities, making it a smart move to obtain degrees in social work, as well as nursing. Both career paths are expected to take off quickly over the next couple of years. In order to succeed in these fields you will need to have certain skills, such as assisting people in abusive relationships or helping individuals with health problems, like substance abuse.
Emotionally Rewarding Careers
Being employed in social work or nursing can be quite demanding and emotionally draining, but overall, you will find the position to be rewarding. Each day as a social worker or nurse, you will be helping clients and patients fight through hard situations. In the long run, the work you are doing with the degrees you have achieved will be well worth it.